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  • S. Thompson

Get over your feelings in entrepreneurship

Updated: May 4, 2019

Approaching the top 3 thoughts that stop most people in their tracks.

The journey of #individualism from a mindset of conformity isn’t easy. We’re human. We live in a society that teaches us to embrace college debt so that we can get a useless piece of paper that will HOPEFULLY get us a job, that will HOPEFULLY pay us enough to live a decent life and pay off debt.

You may feel as if you have no other option, but to follow this ever-failing blueprint. On the other hand, you feel like the 9-to-5 is not what you should be doing, yet you’re afraid to do anything else.

Fear will forever hold you back.

Being afraid is a FEELING that has as much POWER AS YOU GIVE TO IT. Starve it. You will feel every emotion possible when you’re starting a business. Being surrounded by blue-collars and white-collars and make it a bit more challenging to pursue a Wear No Collar mindset, but who doesn’t like a challenge?! There are no superheroes here and we all go through it. Here’s your motivation… If one can push through it, so can YOU!

The top 3 thoughts that are sure to play with your feelings:

1. What if I fail?!

A. What if you don’t? It’s a simple statement, but it holds as much power as you give to it. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is only transformed. Would you rather place your energy into failing, or succeeding?

2. People won’t/don’t support me.

A. Don't worry about that. Ever. No, seriously. A big part of the reason why we do not move in the direction of our desires is because we care too much of what other people think. How far would you go, if their opinion held no weight?

3. I don’t feel like it.

Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. #Discipline

If we only acted based off of our feelings, we'd probably not get a lot done. Plus, nobody cares that you don't feel like it. You have an assignment that only you can complete and if you don't fulfill it, you literally short-change the rest of the world. Don't deprive yourself, of that blessing!

You will never BE, what you do not DO.

You will experience all of this. Who's to say you aren't right now! (Who's to say I'm not!) Don't allow your feelings to become your stumbling block. They are so intense, and so deeply embedded, that they can truly stop you in your tracks and turn you around. The longer you let it marinate, the harder it will be to get it out of your system.

This is where we truly find out who wants it, and who just loves the idea of #entrepreneurship. How you FEEL, doesn't matter. Push beyond what you feel. Be now, who you want to become. How bad do you want it?

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